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Do you have detail to add, please contact me : Kevan

Elmsett, Suffolk census

Suffolk Genealogy and 1841 Essex census

The early census for Kettlebaston have just been added, listing many of my Wilding  ancestors. 1851 census  1861 census  1871 census

Elmsett 1871 (18 pages of census, my great grandfather is on the last page)

Elmsett part one - Elmsett part two - Elmsett part three - Elmsett part four  - Elmsett part five  - Elmsett part six - Elmsett part seven

Raydon 1871 census (my great grandfather, Willia Wilding, is listed on part two; his future in-laws, the Cole family, on the part one)

part one Raydon 1871  , part two, part three, part four, part five, part six, part seven, part eight

Hemley 1881

The online family tree on this site was recently updated (August 2009) - it has taken me four years!

And Last updated on: Sunday, 14-Nov-2021 11:50:12 GMT